Wang Fann
Fajiatai of the Resonating Halls

Hsien-jin of the Xian Mun
Chu-ih-yu of the Exquisite Prism
Advisor of the Court of Emerald Dreams

Assistant District Attorney of Jackson County, Missouri (Little Asia, Kansas City)


Height: 5'8"
Weight: 135 lb.
Ethnicity: East Asian
Eyes: Brown
Hair: Long braided black
Clothing: Black and white business formal
Comportment/Cadence: Confident
Distinctions: With noble features and elegant neckline, Fann strikes quite the picture of a classically beautiful, reserved yet self-assured scholar and officer of the law, from her custom-fitted business suit to the cool, calm, and collected expression she almost always wears
Supernatural Qualities: At will, she can rob the uninitiated of their memory of many aspects of her appearance
Accoutrements: Light jewelry, service weapon in a shoulder holster
Traits: Appearance 5 (striking); Style 4 (classic); Pakua 3

Height: 5'10"
Weight: 140 lb.
Eyes: White
Hair: Long braided black
Clothing: White ethnic (silk kasaya)
Supernatural Qualities: Her eyes empty of all color, reflecting the lack of prejudice and the will of wisdom, while her skin hardens to an iron-gray and hair whitens to the purity of new snow; a chill breeze seems to whisk around her bare feet, offering little comfort to match the pitilessness of her angelic features
Traits: Appearance 5 (striking)

"Ugh, save it. Your excuses are more pitiful than your arguments."


Date of Birth: December 25th, 1968
Home: Hepingli, Dongcheng, Beijing, China
Family: Wang Zhelan and Kun (parents), Su Yao (younger sister)
Kun Shou: Personal Tragedy (she grew up in a lower middle class neighborhood but showed great potential, and worked her way through school to become a lawyer; but early in her career, she was arrested for daring to question the party and court; while in custody, she was tortured, included water-boarding, to force a condemning confession, which she never gave; near death, a Chu-ih-yu soul inhabited the young woman and used what basic I Chih she could remember to legally let herself out of prison and clear her name), 1988
Mentor: Xu De
The Test: Trial by Knowledge (her memory at least guided her back also to her Xian Mun hui t'ung that operated just under the government's nose and with Yü dispensation; as proper, she also restored some ties to her new human family, to reassure them she was out of harm's way for now)
Comrades: Hisoka Isas, Kun Shandong, Ming Bo Lien, Anela Wu, Zheng Guan-Yin, Shi Hexi, Tang Lei, Wu Xun, Hsiao Jae-Lin
Key Event #1: Treachery (she proceeded to super-charge her legal career, altering elemental souls as need-be, carving her way up the CCP's justice system)
Key Event #2: War (but as her prosecutorial career got underway, she ran afoul of a rival lawyer who was also shen but far worse: a Five Metal Dragon of the New World Order, and he preferred indirect action so tapped his blackmailed agents among the Triads to target her first with threats)
Key Event #3: Personal Tragedy (Fann took the threats seriously and opted to flee China, claiming refugee status in the US, and while in California, she easily obtained an American law degree through Stanford)
Key Event #4: Awe & Wonder (her only career opportunity was in Kansas City, so she moved there to the Little Asia district, essentially forced to start her law career over; but she made friends with the local police, and discovered a fellow Chu-ih-yu among them; this proved prudent as she often made enemies, particularly with organized criminals of local tongs and branches of Triads)
Transition: Victory (with patient ambition, Fann worked her way back up towards the top, facing discrimination now not just as a woman but a Chinese woman; still, she pushed, reaching assistant district attorney, and putting her legal connections and authority to work for the Shinma court she membered, too)


Magnitude: Her memory grows cloudy when she tries to penetrate even just the beginning of the Fifth Age.
Details: She does recall that she once lent her wisdom to Lin Zexu during the Opium War crisis, guiding his reason when he wrote the open letter to Queen Victoria, mocking the West's hypocrisy.

Jade Talismans

Appearance: A small dark-gray/black jade bauble carved into the likeness of the Buddhist lotus flower
Origin: Gift


Names: Ling Howard, Michael Mei; several uniformed KCPD officers on call when necessary
Roles: Spotters (law clerks); Bodyguards

Fortunes Favored

Style: High Ritual
Examples: Burn effigies of ghost money, formal court decree, careful calligraphy, tea ceremony

Significant Other

Name: Hisoka Isas, 2005
Nature: Romantic


Lawyer's Tongue

As lawyers go, she's disturbingly honest. But that sharp tongue of hers has more venomous barbs than a Suijen's, and she's gotten herself into trouble with it before. She's confident in her judgments, so while she lets the accused air their arguments and grievances, she suffers little conscientious quandary in showing contempt for the condemned's whinging and pathetic excuses.

Likelihood of Corruption


She has a strong moral compass and indeed a good sense of moral judgment, even if she finds herself frequently surrounded by the scum of the earth in her profession.


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