Anela Wu
Yanjian of the Heart of the Planet

Hsien-tsu of the Wu Hsien
Chu-Jung of the Exquisite Prism
Advisor of the Court of Emerald Eyes


(Hotei) ~The attractive and exotic girl lacks an age greater than twenty. But a bright attitude and shrewd tongue wizens the girl a few years at least. A blend of China and Hawai’i, Anela seems as sweet as an angel and bedazzling as a devil. Naturally, she is still in high school, and her well-off parents afford her private school. So most days, Anela is found in a standard school uniform. A burgundy jacket shields a white silk blouse. A plaid skirt in burgundy and midnight blue encircles her waist and drops low on her thighs. Red stockings shape her legs up to just under the knees and her feet can be found in any selection of matching shoes or heels. Silky black hair is adorned with gold barettes, and the free length swings down mid-back. She usually wears a pair of Barbie-pink sunglasses and when they’re off, her bangs are allowed to curtain her face some. And the reason is fairly obvious when a good, close look at her eyes is permitted. One does not see the brown orbs one would expect on an Asian girl, but a pair of inferno-red eyes that seem to roll side-to-side like a lave floe. When her lids are heavy, this is less noticeable, but it’s clear why she strives to hide her face as pretty as it may be.~

OOC: Appearance 3; Pakua 1; Eyes of Eight Million Dreams; Rank 12

(Wani) ~Her spirit form blazes as a bright form of fire and awe. When Anela sheds her frail human shape, her slender body adopts an angelic personage. A silk gown of bright red clings to her form. Though not skintight, its design sticks to her curves while the short sleeves billow out. Gold trim follows the gown’s invisible seams. A shawl of red with gold trim whirls around her slender neck and down one arm like a serpent. Bare feet peek from under the gown, treading quietly. Her golden skin sizzles to a shade of fiery yellow with red striations and an orange nimbus of tangible heat surrounds her head. Her dark hair seems to drift in a hot breeze, contrasting the unusual appendages that manifest in her true form. Sprouting from mid-back are a pair of fiery wings. No bones or cartilage can be seen in these wings that span a total of an approximate eight feet – evidently too short to carry her weight, because she never flies on the virtue of those wings alone. But they are nevertheless impressive additions, those wings of pure flame. They are matched only by her eyes, a commanding and imperious gaze she no longer endeavors to hide. When roused to take the terrifying Mask of Shintai, Anela appears like an angry angel of Heaven, ready to rain hell-fire upon those rude enough to be her enemies. Her skin darkens entirely to a smouldering crimson and the halo of heat intensifies to outline her entire body in blue-white light and flame. Her hair whips about wildly in an apocalyptic wind and the searingly bright wings fan the furnace.~

"Alright, I promise I won’t call you a gweilo or haole anymore, if you promise me you’ll stop acting like one.”



Anela is the result of the mixture of a native Hawai’ian and a first-generation Chinese immigrant. Her parents were both involved in architecture, landscaping, and real estate. They jumped on the band-wagon and took advantage of the gold-mine that the Hawai’ian islands represented to this end. Their wealth afforded them the agreement to have a child and the sharp and pretty Anela was the result. Her father, Phillip Wu, was Catholic by upbringing, and although he wasn’t a devoted servant of the Church, he was religious, and decided Anela should attend a private Catholic school. There Anela made her parents proud even at a young age through her advancements in education and athletic pursuits.

And Anela was a curious child. She sought out more knowledge of academics and nature. The girl was often off exploring the woods or fields or beach. And in spite of her parents’ warning, she sneakily explored the volcanic regions, too. Strange as it may seem that a kamuii might find her in Pahala, the Chu-Jung souls travel the long furnace of the Pacific rim as well as all the other hot places of the Middle Kingdom. The spirit that would find Anela had traveled long and far since its previous death of old age. This Chu-Jung soul had lived a long, fruitful life in service to the Hou-Fu, and wanted to start anew -- from the beginning, as hsien-tsu -- like it had last time. Anela was the soul’s choice, drawn to the girl as Fate worked its dark timing on the child.

Kun Shou & Tutelage

At age ten, Anela strayed once again close to the quiet but steady volcanos of the Hawai’ian National Park. She observed a more explosive eruption and hypnotized she wandered closer and closer, daring nature’s wrath… A more subtle doom claimed the girl, as the noxious gases of the volcano washed through her lungs. Consumed by the poison, she collapsed near the lava floe, incineration almost certain. Anela’s human soul departed to a gentler place and the Chu-Jung awakened her heart, mind, and body anew. But the Kun Shou is never an instantaneous matter when the host is so young. Startled and confused, Anela fled the site, sickly from the fumes for days more. But she recovered in time, earning a stern lecture from her parents. To their surprise, she listened more humbly and politely than she ever had as a headstrong child. Her responses were quiet yet confident, her natural silver-tongue so smooth and persuasive her parents were taken aback. Appeased, they left her to her own devices as she had quickly leapt back into school and her hobbies vigorously.

As her parents’ work and her studies progressed, it came to pass that it was not she but the Awakened residents of Hawai’i that became alerted to the budding kamuii’s presence. During one of her almost daily romps near the volcanoes at the age of twelve, a Menehune hermit noticed her “sleeper” soul and approached her. Although dubious at first, the youth was ready to listen. Through dream-visions that the Kahuna inspired magically, Anela began the long road back to chrysalis. It demanded several more months of steady visits between she and the old man who called himself Iao. But at last, one moonless but starry night, Iao sat back with satisfaction. Anela awakened suddenly from the dream and sprang to her feet with a high shriek of surprise, her body suddenly swarming up into the flames of Wani. A nearby vent sprayed liquified rock high like fireworks as the Chu-Jung rose.

Of course, knowing that you’re Shinma and knowing of the Shinma are two different worlds. Anela knew what she was and remembered some of the ancient secrets of magical lore. She pieced together much of it through her dreams. But much lore still eluded her, because she was (most likely) the only hsien in the whole archipelago state. Iao could only help so much, but did decide to break the kapu and introduce the foreign supernatural to his tribe. Her true nature confused the Menehune, for she surely wasn’t one of the haole Kithain, but she wasn’t Menehune either. The younger Kokua took naturally to her and she befriended them easily. For the next two and a half years, Anela began to disappoint her parents. No longer did she come home from school to do her homework before going out to play. She skipped the academics (yet her grades in school didn’t suffer at all) and went right to the beach and park with her “crazy surfer friends”. She lost her virginity to an infatuation one of those playful afternoons and she still doesn’t regret it. When she wasn’t goofing off with her Menehune friends, she was half-dreaming, trying to remember as much as she could about the elemental alchemies. Unfortunately, her memory was still pretty fuzzy and even her natural affinity for Hou Tan, borne perhaps from traveling the Pacific Rim so long, could not avail more than a fairly basic understanding of the magics. Without any other Shinma to guide her, she remained fairly oblivous to the realities of the Middle Kingdom. Hawai’i, after all, can be considered the easternmost fringe of Zhongguo. Few if any shen were to be found there.

Early Years

Of course, the islands were home to more Western supernaturals. Anela discovered this the hard way in late spring, ‘02. She was witness to a werewolf’s First Change in the school’s chapel churchyard. A bully received his just rewards, it would seem, as a youth sprouted into a massive, furry beast whose mere snarl made all the other teenagers flee. The fourteen year old kamuii didn’t flee, however, and the Raging werewolf came for her. Shocked, Anela instinctively assumed her awesome Mask of Shintai. The Garou was immediately terrified into queiscence, curling up and whimpering at her sleight but imperial appearance. Unfortunately for both young supernaturals, the church’s guest speaker overheard the tumult and came upon the duo. Barking holy orders in Latin, the visiting layman beared his crucifix and silver dagger, demanding that the demons leave the holy ground. Apparently, the man was immune to both the Delirium and Mask of Shintai. When the werewolf refused to move and Anela stared dumbly at the mortal, he strolled forward and struck the werewolf down. Anela screamed and fled before he could turn his righteous wrath upon her. She never returned to the church ever again, and had given up all notions of Christianity thereafter. Anela was glad for summer break to give her time to evade further notice. Her disheveled appearance when she arrived home was talked off easily, but her parents could not doubt that something had happened and grew a little more paranoid and protective. Not that Anela objected too much as she withdrew into the safety of her home, spending the summer making up her academic studies. She feared that that murderous priest still searched for her -- and she was right, he was (but at the moment, the priest had been called back to California for a stern talking-to by the Cardinal).

Meanwhile, Anela’s parents planned their semi-retirement move. Made wealthy off of real estate, they wanted nothing more than to guide their child to a happy future. They had always been too busy with work to do much for or with their daughter. They had barely even noticed some of the more profound changes in her life, both physical and psychological. And because of her trouble with that “priest” and a nerve-wracking need to communicate with others of her kind, she did not seem the least bit upset that her parents announced a move to the most unlikely place: Little Asia, Kansas City.

Recent Years

Naturally, when the move finally came about in late fall of 2002, her parents immediately enrolled Anela into a private school. The Catholic Church ran the school, although it was not a religiously-enforced school. Despite their intentions to retire, Anela’s parents were once more tied up with work. There is much landscaping to be done in Little Asia and her parents were on demand! Anela was free to once more explore this new world and learn of her past so that she could define her future.

Anela discovered her fellow Shinma at last in this city. She was brought to the Lodge of Jade. Overjoyed and grateful, she quickly swore loyalty to the Court of Emerald Eyes. She now doubles her studies: high school academics coupled with the Tao Te Hsien. In time, she shall once again be a great Lady of Flame.


Anela practically raised herself as hsien on her memories. She can’t recall any of her past lives’ identities or even where they dwelled. But she remembers how most of her past lives made it a personal goal to protect volcanoes. Anela knows what was expected of her as a Chu-Jung in Shinma society. She can remember much of the protocols and mythical stories of the origin of the hsien. She could only remember some of the basics of Wu Tan unfortunately, but knows her natural affinity for Fire will get her far in short time. Although Anela is aware that she used to member the Li Shen in a long string of incarnations, she purposely remains aloof from any “home” Courts until she’s caught back up with her past. Much of it still fairly fuzzy.

Fortunes Favored

Style: Folk Magic
Examples: Crystal divination, herbal remedies, Taoist alchemy, feng shui

Significant Other

Young and hot, these two changelings are another example of East meets West. Forced to attend the Catholic school in Little Asia due to bad behavior in previous schools, this hot Ailil Sidhe, Antonia Cerini, manipulates and misbehaves at every opportunity. In Anela, she finds a kindred spirit -- although Anela fine-tunes her machinations for the service of the Shinma (not just her own whims). Still, the pair enjoy each other’s abilities, ambitions, and company. Together, they dominate over their schoolmates and even teachers. Together, they explore more carnal pleasures. Nobles both, they compete and cooperate to become the best at whatever they choose to do. Their relationship is fiery but likely to burn out quick…unless they find good cause to stay allied even after high school. And they did just that, continuing the scam into college.



Besides the typical Chu-Jung temperament, Anela boasts an impressive ability to persuade others to her means of thinking. Her manipulative attitude, however, can cost her more than she may be willing to pay.

Likelihood of Corruption


Anela is still young. She has much to learn about good and evil, right and wrong. Her heart and eyes are open. She can be shoved in either direction but naturally she leans by far towards a good and gentle personality.


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