Ming Bo Lien
Fengonghua of Sun-Touched Glades

Hsien-tsu of the Wu Hsien
Hou-Chi of the Exquisite Prism
Delegate of the Kamuii of the Court of Emerald Eyes


Hotei: ~Lien comes across as an pretty Chinese girl in her mid-twenties at the latest. She bears the attractive persona of an outdoorsy athlete, and the scent of the wild lingers about her. Long-limbed, she moves slowly yet covers good distance, and her motions possess a natural grace hard to put to words, but easily compared to the willow tree. At full height, she stands nearly 5'9", yet only weighs in about 120 pounds, tops. She is typically donned in a pair of cotton jean shorts and a tank top, both in forest-green or sky-blue; sandals are common attire for her feet unless it's too cold. Her usual, primary garments almost always expose much of her golden skin, naturally unmarred. Her feminine curves are sweet but not overdone; everything about her "look" seems natural, and so she wears no make-up. Her rich, dark hair would probably drift as low as her waist, but is cinched up in a ponytail so that only reaches the middle of her back. Her classically girlish features -- the pert nose, the pouty lips, the gently slanted, baby-brown eyes -- hold an almost stately, noble manner to them. This air is felt the most when Lien becomes impassioned, as those eyes flash a deep, dark green, like the color of a leaf at the peak of its brief but potent existence, reminding those whom her eyes rest upon that all is not mundane with this nature-lover.~

OOC: Appearance 5 (fragility); Style 1; Pakua 3; Animal Magnetism, Eyes of Eight Million Dreams; Rank 15

Wani: ~The golden flesh darkens to a deep mahogany, and the brief flashes of soul-color seen in her eyes in her human disguise are quite prevalent in her true form. Her clothing does not alter when her form does. The sense of nobility is more evident, however, as her attuned energies and personal protectorate are so very clear: she is a lady of the woods. Heal the woods, and invite her smile, a beauteous thing promising so much, yet so little. Harm the woods, and incur the elemental wrath of the lady. When angered, it is not surprising to find her donning the Mask of the Shintai whilst in her true form. When this occurs, her dark skin hardens and seems glossy, reflecting ambient light the perfect finish-work of a master carpenter. Her eyes flash with verdant, magical light, reflecting all the seasons of life...and death. Few find themselves unable to do anything but cringe and cow in the sight of the kamuii forest-lady's wrath.~

OOC: Appearance 5 (fragility); Pakua 3; Animal Magnetism, Eyes of Eight Million Dreams; Rank 15

"Follow me to the dance in my grove, leave your miseries behind, and take this reminder of life back with you when you must return to your tasks."



Lien was born in the rural communities surrounding the city of Xining, located in the province of Qinghai, China, spring of 1984. In 1987, she was bitten by a deer tick in her usual playing time in the fields. Lyme disease was contracted. In China 1987, there were no vaccines, no medicines, no cures to this dangerous disease. Lien would die, especially at her vulnerable age.

Kun Shou & Tutelage

And then, Lien miraculously recovered. Inhabited by a Hou-Chi vassal of Sha Hong Ming that had recently died in conflict with Kura Sau, Lien returned while her innocent spirit passed onto the Great Cycle. The young mind was not mature enough for the Hou-Chi to become self-aware. The Kun Shou was slow, and bothered her parents. She became withdrawn, lost in Remembrance, and no longer went out and played anymore. Mortal doctors told the parents it was simply a side effect of such a dangerous illness, and that she would grow out of it. It was not until 1989 did Lien realize who she really was now. She knew she was Shinma, and she experienced dreams of some of her past lives. She recalled her last life as spent as a loyal retainer and the final battle with the Kura Sau, the demon's searing flames claiming her life as her and her fellows' magics impaled and buried the monster at the same time. She remembers even more antiquated lives, in greener Ages. Those were times when she was the unchallenged lord of her domains and all things in the forest loved her and she loved them. The hengeyokai paid their respectful dues and the chi'n ta bargained peacefully in exchange for the gifts that the forests offered humanity. All of these dreams gave the rebirthed Hou-Chi a sense of peaceful antiquity and happiness. Lien began to go out again, but this time instead of playing in the fields, she talked to the fields...

And the fields passed on the word of her return to other grassy and leafy places. So it did not take long for other Hou-Chi to find and take the girl in, posing as doctors interested in "antibody research" regarding her past recovery. Though it was promised that she would be returned to her family, she never was. To a degree, even now Lien regrets this and misses her family. Or rather, her body's original owner's family. The next few years involved her mentorship under a Li Shen xuicai named Ma Mu...who was her peer and comrade in her past incarnation.

Early Years

When old enough to perform her duties on her own, Lien took up her appointed celestial duties with zest. She watched over the same forest she had prior her demise, the forest to the south of Hsi-ning. Lien helped local hengeyokai whenever they needed it, without question. She danced with the occasional Wu mystick. And Lien was the first defense against those who would bring harm to her demense: such as the Kura Sau or Subtle Thunders. So it was no doubt a great blow and shame on herself when she failed to hold back the Chi'n Ta machines. Despite her long memory and ease in which Ma Mu retaught the Hsien-tsu, she was still quite green (forgive the pun). Lien was no match for the sudden arrival of the Metal Dragons. Her magics could not rouse the forest against the invaders, and her personal power was nowhere near enough to personally thwart the Technomancers. They arrived so quickly that her fellow kamuii did not arrive til the forest was all but gone, and had to rescue the girl from herself (and the approaching Lightning Wizards!).

Lien was shattered and spent weeks in a semi-suicidal state, almost dying from sorrow. Even months after, she remained terribly affected. Try as they might, her fellow Hou-Chi and even Ma Mu could not restore the girl's self-faith. Under the personal suggestion of Sha Hong Ming, it was recommended she be allowed time to recover. Were she to be thrust back into her duties, she would fail again, and this time it would be her fault...

Recent Years

So Lien was given a variety of options. Looking over them all, she finally decided it was time to do something she had never done before, as long as she could remember. She would leave China. After learning English from a friendly and doting Fu Hsi, the sixteen year old Hou Chi was given a ticket to America. She was advised against the often violent West Coast Chinatowns, and instead came to Kansas City. Here, perhaps, she might find herself and her faith, and once more be the great, brave forest guardian she was so remembered as.

Lien began by joining the Court of Infinite Ages. For its duration, she served as the Minister of the Land. She tended to the foliage and gardens of the Court's domain and influence, encouraging much growth and strength in the grasses and trees and flowers. When that Court ended, she simply joined the Court of Emerald Eyes to continue the same task. There is nothing the Hou-Chi enjoys more than tending to nature and that is precisely what the Court permits her to do.

The Glade

~Nature at its finest arrangement, Ming Bo Lien's small glen is hidden within the Hirasaki Preserves, only a few miles from the Smithville Lake. The glen is only about 10'x10', surrounded by tall sycamores and other thick brush, permitting passage only to the Hou-Chi who created it. Every sun-lit wild-flower, every patch of shaded, soft moss, every branch of every tree stands in sheer perfection. Natural harmony is achieved as if this patch of woods were virginal once more. The nearby dragon line caresses the foliage into beauty, the feng shui evident to any skilled scholar. Every inch of green and brown seems to whisper to anyone fortunate enough to stumble across the glen -- or be invited. The glade's foliage is alive and vibrant regardless of the season.~

OOC: Wall Rating: 4


Lien has a long, collective memory. Only the most recent lives bear any specific details. But she can remember her existence as hsien back at least 2000 years. Lien knows she has been very many different people, though almost never a warrior. Indeed, she has been an artist, a protector of the woods, a diplomat (particularly to the hengeyokai), and a philosopher. She has been male and female. In her dreams, she can even remember when she was still a free spirit tending to the lush, vast forests and fields of the Middle Kingdom, when the world was simple. In the modern age, its complexities often confuse this Hou-Chi, and she often drifts back into her past lives' memories for wisdom. Unfortunately, those memories are sometimes very painful. Conflicts with humans and Kura Sau alike have destroyed her past lives' happiness and homes. She can't help but blame herself for failures of the ancient past. While Lien does not dwell in her past, contemplating it too often depresses this kamuii.

Jade Talismans

Level: 4
Chi: 3 Yang, 1 Yin
Origin: Lien found this remarkable piece of jade in the Little Asia marketplace. She purchased the figurine and awakened the jade herself.
Description: This piece is a small, carved figurine of an Oriental dragon, about twice the size of a baseball, and supported and bound by pewter and silver.

Fortunes Favored

Style: Folk Magic
Examples: Herbal remedies, Taoist alchemy, feng shui, I Ching

Significant Other

This Hou-Chi hadn’t much luck in love until she met Jae-Lin Hsiao back in 2003. They met through the court and their shared love of artistic crafts. Lien is the sculptor while the Korean Chu-Jung paints. Together, they provide inspiration and support on multiple levels. Indeed, Jae-Lin is helping Lien finally “come out of her shell” and vice versa. Hopefully, their relationship will continue for years to come, and they will discover enlightenment as one.


Guilty Conscience

Lien still blames herself for her failure and defeat at the hands of the Subtle Thunders. She holds herself back, refusing to unleash her true potential for fear of another failure. Though she enjoys friends, even their advice can hardly help her pull out of this mire. Lien must learn to stop blaming herself.

Likelihood of Corruption


Lien is full of love for life and nature. She is a modern hippy. Who would want to corrupt her? Her generous and compassionate nature would make any demon sick to the stomach, heh. However, she is not immune. Twisting the knife of self-blame enough could push her to the edge of suicide.


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