Lady Ly Nha Suong
Waluong of the Imperial Dragonflight

Kamuii of the Kuan-Yü
Hsien-tsu of the Hou-Chi
Lady of the Imperial Dragonflight
Princess of the Shanghaied Ensemble of Royalty


Height: 5'6"
Weight: 122 lb.
Ethnicity: East Asian
Eyes: Brown
Hair: Long simple black
Clothing: Yellow-green ethnic (silk-cotton ao dai)
Comportment/Cadence: Confident
Distinctions: This gorgeous young Vietnamese compels with a mere flash of her eyes or curve of her lips into a smile, clearly accustomed to being treated like royalty—perhaps she is
Supernatural Qualities: none
Accoutrements: Light jewelry, a fresh flower in her hair
Traits: Appearance 5 (beautiful)

Height: 5'7"
Weight: 142 lb.
Ethnicity: East Asian
Eyes: Dark-brown
Hair: Long wild black
Clothing: Light-yellow, white, or red ethnic (silk ao dai)
Comportment/Cadence: Confident
Distinctions: This gorgeous young Vietnamese compels with a mere flash of her eyes or curve of her lips into a smile, clearly accustomed to being treated like royalty—perhaps she is
Supernatural Qualities: And Suong’s Wani form confirms her supernatural regality: her skin darkens to a teak brown and grain lines appear around the curve of her figure, while a wild fey look flows the Hou-Chi’s whole figure—a dryadic goddess in the flesh
Accoutrements: Light jewelry, a fresh flower in her hair
Traits: Appearance 5 (beautiful)

"Higher, ban! To the clouds and above!"


Date of Birth: September 30th, 1980
Home: Tan Quy, District 7, Ho Chi Minh City,
Family: Ly Viet Quoc and Diem Nha (parents), Phu An (older brother)
Kun Shou: Personal Tragedy (relatively wealthy family in capital of Vietnam, father a well-respected bureaucrat and veteran commander from the American War; she proved a smart and hard-working student in youth and so attended university for engineering, but she fell in with a party-hard crowd, and during one drunken incident, fell from a 4-story window—nearly dying from that incident, but the Hou-Chi spirit took over to restore her and restart her life), 1998
Mentor: Vo Tam Nga
The Test: Trial by Knowledge (few expected Suong to survive her accident, but Vo Tam Nga, a Komuko elder, showed up with the expectation that she had the Kun Shou, and welcomed the Hou-Chi back into the ranks of the Shinma, instructing her in all the propriety of the ancient courtly Yü)
Comrades: Usha Shastri, Huang Lifen, Erin Wallister
Key Event #1: Awe & Wonder (thus did Suong experience a “total change” in her life, leaving university and wandering into the jungle away from her family, there not only to join the hsien court but pursue her inner destiny; thus for years did she commune with the Wani-spirits found in nature, for she was tasked with seeking the greater Dragons of old and harnessing them for war against Yomi Wan in the near-future—thus re-knighting her as Kuan-Yü in all her former splendor and glory)
Key Event #2: Personal Tragedy (however, after years of searching, she learned that the Dragons were nearly all gone, and the Wani warned her that she would have to travel far to find the last of such noble creatures)
Transition: Reassignment (that was when Queen Serena appeared before Suong and advised her that there were dragons to be found in the New World; Suong mistrustfully communed with the Wani, but they affirmed the Sidhe’s words, and so Suong agreed to work with Serena to find them, so joining the Ensemble)


Magnitude: Suong remembers only to just before the Revolution against the Imperial West (French and Americans).
Details: Her memory of her past life was vague, but she definitely recalls there being (Eastern) dragons involved.

Auspicious Treasures

Rong Ban Dap
Level: 4
Appearance: A pair of large stirrups, the sort one might imagine employed to ride an elephant, made of fine if antiquated bronze and unknown leather, and polished with ancient Vietnamese words etched into the sides.
Origin: Inherent
Effects: They enable easier Ride rolls while astride a dragon (whether it’s a Materialized spirit or somehow real, which could include a Zhong Lung in Archid form)—which makes combat from the saddle easier, too.
Activation: Obviously, they must be buckled to the beast in question, but that’s enough.


Names: Chu Minh Ling
Roles: House Servant

Fortunes Favored

Style: High Ritual
Examples: Traditional dress/make-up, formal court decree, divine sacrifices, kaja secrets

Significant Others

The Shanghaied Ensemble of Royalty is a massive collective of "fairy princesses" to which she blithely and merrily belongs. Visit this link for the full skinny:

Lady Nha

She is a glorious knight of elder power and splendor and does not accept being treated as anything less. Here's the problem: if one wants to be revered as a dragon-riding hero, one kind of needs a dragon...

Likelihood of Corruption


She may be arrogant and cavalier, but she's also heroic and courageous, likely to laugh in a demon's face before stabbing it in the eye than ever listening to any vile lies and half-truths it may spew.


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