Niji Komadori
Oukiai of the Living Nest

Utaki of the Golden Ark
Hsien-tsu of the Wu Hsien
Advisor of the Court of Emerald Eyes


Hotei: ~A bright and happy youth, Niji comes as close to real-life kawaii as possible. Naturally, there's nothing cartoonish about the young man. He's just cute -- the way he beams at friends and strangers alike and the way his dark-brown eyes twinkle in the sun, moon, and starlight. The Japanese immigrant enjoys wearing popular and stylish threads, street fashion predominant. He prefers baggy jeans and collared, namebrand shirts. Niji rarely touches his short, slightly-spiky black hair for fear of disturbing its careful perfection. Overall, he expresses an easygoing demeanor, searching for more happiness than he already has. This guy must make most people sick; he's too sweet for his own good!~

OOC: Appearance 3; Pakua 3; Rank 10

Wani: ~Foom! What a change! Flesh and avant-garde attire vanishes and feathers replace it all completely. Niji's legs thin and harden into avian limbs of yellow hue and sharp toes. His arms widen and flatten, becoming long and colorful wings. His head becomes wholly avian, the nose and mouth elongating into a short, yellow beak. Niji's eyes darken and grow somewhat beady, but lose none of their luster. The coloration of his feathers are a woody combination of browns, blacks, and whites. Only his front differs. Niji's entire breast and frontal torso boasts bright-red plummage. Were it not for the fact that Niji loses neither height, mass, or intellect, he'd be a sterling example of a merry robin. But if so sorely pressed that this Utaki dons the Mask of Shintai, a terrible change dawns. Niji's feathers all seem to stiffen and ruffle. Those dark eyes glitter with supernatural sensation. His wings likely extend the full ten foot span in a threatening manner. His beak opens, tongue shivering, emitting a dangerous hiss from the throat of this hirayanu. Even songbirds share in nature's primal fury.~

OOC: Appearance 0; Pakua 3; Rank 10

Animal: ~A humble appearance does Niji assume now. A small bird, no larger than a kitten, perches somewhere inconspicious. His plummage bears natural traits in common with the red robin found in most temperate regions. Of course, Niji can and often does draw attention to himself. Beautiful chirps emit from the robin much of the day. And being hsien, Niji isn't bound to a diurnal lifestyle. Don't be surprised to hear this bird any time of day!~

OOC: Appearance 3; Pakua 3; Rank 10

"Love will set us all free."



Sakuma always existed as a small town by the woods. Although a small community, Niji never lacked friends. Bright and outgoing, the boy enjoyed being an only child. His mother took care of him and home while his dad worked for Kinfude Lumber as a conservation consultant. When not playing with neighborhood children, Niji loved school. He loved to learn new things. The curious boy often wandered through the woods, too. He often scaled trees and perched among the highest branches. There he pondered life, dreams, and occasionally wrote poetry.

Kun Shou & Tutelage

Unfortunately, this habit killed Niji. One afternoon when he was eleven, he dozed off and fell from a tall tree. The youth's neck broke and he died instantly. As if it was destiny, the wandering spirit of an Utaki found the expired boy. The ritual of Chien soon followed. Life was breathed back into Niji but now as hsien. His true robin-like Wani form was assumed so that the dire injury could be wholly healed. Niji changed again, becoming a red-breasted robin. He flew home, slipping into his house through holes that birds always manage to find. He passed out in bed, the experience exhausting his young mind and body. For many hours Niji slept deeply, forgetting the Kun Shou and his true nature in the process.

So for another year, Niji lived in a state of near-confusion. His family attributed his dazed state as teenage hormones kicking in. Niji latched onto rock and pop music, the sound bringing him comfort. In fact, he sang along to the tunes and was very good at it! Already he had a wonderful tenor voice. Niji also continued to explore the woods and probed deeper as he got older. As he wandered, he sang his favorite songs to himself.

And deeper in the forest, Niji ran into a secluded cabin. The home was definitely occupied, for as he neared the place an older man in his 50s exited. The old man was an aging Tanuki who, despite his crotchety attitude, greatly appreciated Niji's talented voice. He was invited into the man's house for tea. Intrigued (if naive), Niji joined the man who introduced himself as Guwa. Guwa's house was sparsely decorated. He told Nijia that his voice was welcome in that humble home whenever.

The pair soon got to good-natured chatting. Without too much beating around the bush, Guwa told Niji of his true nature. He explained to Niji about the reality of the hsien and shen. Although inclined to believe such a wild story, especially due to his emerging self-realization, Guwa still needed to prove it. So he did with a flash of magical powers -- the Tanuki first levitated the tea pot, then transformed into Wani. Far more overjoyed than afraid, Niji was more than willing to return to Guwa's home tomorrow and everyday to learn all he once forgot.

Early Years

Thus, everyday after school Niji returned to that cabin in the woods. From Guwa, he learned all he needed to know about his true nature and inherent powers. Niji also discovered all Guwa could teach hum about Shinma society. And in exchange, Niji sang for Guwa. He was Utaki, after all -- that was his purpose. He could feel it. Until he was seventeen, Niji spent much of his leisure time with the isolated old Tanuki. He never met any other hsien or shen. Life remained quiet but interesting. Niji's interests in women, in fact, were growing -- as to be expected for his age!

But change came. His father was transferred to the company's new office in Kansas City, in Little Asia. In 2003, the Komadori moved to the United States. Niji attended high school there. He dove right into popular youth fashion and made plenty of new friends. He soon missed Guwa and had a little difficulty adjusting to a semi-urban lifestyle. His family lived in the suburbs of Rolling Hills but the school was in the middle of Little Asia. To alleviate this discomfort, Niji joined the school chorus. Naturally, he quickly stood out as a star solo.

Recent Years

So involved in school life was Niji that for several months he didn't recognize the heavy shen presence in Little Asia. It wasn't until an afterschool activity that Niji recognized his own kind -- or perhaps they recognized him. Ming Bo Lien of the kamuii noticed the young hsien. She approached him confidentially and invited him into the Lodge of Jade. Niji, ecstatic about this chance to meet more of his kind, followed. Therein he met the Regent of the hsien Court, Kun Shandong. He explained his upbringing and by that virtue he was permitted to join the Court of Emerald Eyes. Niji was overjoyed to at last be among his people. He discovered that two other hirayanu went to his high school and soon befriended them. With a good heart and open mind, Niji prepared to discover more truths about Heaven. Perhaps he would even realize enlightenment through the joyous virtue of true love.


Niji doesn't recall all that much from previous incarnations. On occasion, he receives glimpses of his last life. He remembers soaring high above trees. The vague pride of duty is a recalled sensation. He was serving his Shinma Court by scouting out a hive of bakemono. Unfortunately, they were apparently notified to be on the look-out for songbirds. He was shot down with a high-powered rifle; Niji can still recall the sharp crack of the weapon and the tearing pain as his body exploded... He rarely taps his memories as a result of this nightmarish experience, so this death scene often comes as nightmares. The one thing Niji did recall beneficially was his own personal code of conduct when it came to wooing the girl: no kissing until he serenaded the lucky girl properly!

Fortunes Favored

Style: Arts & Crafts
Examples: Sing a song, write a song, recite poetry

Significant Other

Not always does the older man seduce the younger girl. Sometimes the older woman seduces the younger boy. Of course, Niji was practically an adult…but he was still jailbait. Of course, lovely Wei is too good a woman to purposely be out for corruption of youth. But the two Shinma are also in search of love. Niji is a true romantic, in fact, and the bird is lucky to find it in this Fu-Hsi. Wei and Niji met in school in the 2004 spring semester. Over the summer, their passion inflamed into full-blown love. Neither college nor love will dampen their romance. Only the duties -- and enemies -- of the hsien could threaten their relationship. But they’re both still young. Who knows what the future will hold, especially as they grew past his immaturity and their romance only deepened?


Rose-Colored Glasses

He's a naive and romantic young fool, this bird. Niji longs for true love, an uncommon commodity in the World of Darkness. In his blind search, he could get hurt in more ways than one.

Likelihood of Corruption


He may be easy to destroy because of his romantic notions, but corruption is another matter. Niji stands by the virtue of love and compassion. It's his purpose and essence. Changing that means changing him completely. He's the robin: the worm isn't likely to wiggle into his heart.


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