Princess Rona Taneti
Hanu’o of the Once-Way Song

Kanaka of the Ali'i


Mortal Seeming
Height: 5'7"
Weight: 125 lb.
Ethnicity: Pacific Islander
Eyes: Brown
Hair: Long simple black
Clothing: Black and blue or black and red ethnic
Comportment/Cadence: Confident
Distinctions: Rona commands the grace and gravitas of a queen: she walks with measured care, as if everyone and everything is her royal subject; the young woman's fantastic beauty, self-assurance, and comfortable ease she wears her native dress and bears ta moko "tattoos" speaks to an unconquered and unconquerable heroism
Supernatural Qualities: Her beauty extends beyond the average supermodel or pageant queen: it is not the exoticism of her marked features that attracts the eye, but how those wondrous runes enhance a pure and universal perfection
Accoutrements: Moderate jewelry
Traits: Appearance 5 (world-shattering); Style 5 (ethnic); Surreal Beauty

Fae Mien
Height: 5'8"
Weight: 126 lb.
Eyes: Brown
Hair: Long simple black
Clothing: Black and blue or black and red ethnic
Comportment/Cadence: Confident
Supernatural Qualities: Most fae use their Seemings to hide from the world's Banality, but Rona's Seeming is merely a duller mortal version of her true self; the Ali'i in her fae mien shines like the dawnstar: blinding and life-changing in its warmth and radiance; her beauty is such sheer divinity that it's clear her Seeming is not for her protection—it's for yours! Rona's divine beauty, grace, and regal carriage are truly god-like, and even her traditional dress and ta moko seem to glow; blessed by Kowhai, the spring flower herself, Rona represents her land and people wherever she goes, shattering the conceits of others with the faintest of smiles
Accoutrements: Moderate jewelry
Traits: Appearance 12* (world-shattering); Style 5 (ethnic); Surreal Beauty

* Appearance this high is a result of her Birthright (+2), Totem bonus (+2), and Chimera (+3).

"I have the burden and privilege of greatness."


Date of Birth: March 20th, 1990
Home: Waahimahara Village, Rotorua, Bay of Plenty, North Island, New Zealand
Family: Turi and Nako Taneti (parents)
Chrysalis: Preordainment (Rona was born into a proud Ali'i Kin family in a preserved and isolated village sub-set to the city of Rotorua; she was raised not just in traditional Maori culture but steeped in Menehune lore, expected and known that she would claim the Ali'i birthright, and groomed for this royal role; on her 13th birthday, an Ancestor-spirit visited her dreams and sparked the Chrysalis), 2003
Mentor: Oki Rara
The Test: Trial by Knowledge (the village elders, all Kinain, helped guide her first steps before leading her to the restricted Mokoia Island in the center of Rotorua Lake to learn all the unique characteristics of Ali'i duties and rights under the guidance of an old Kahuna who guided all the young Menehune)
Comrades: Natana Herangi, Ikaikakeahi, Kaponomakanikananahele, Honi Ulanihoa, Lahela Mele, Kaliona Kekai
Key Event #1: Awe & Wonder (before she had barely settled into any specific role in Waahimahara, a white woman beheld her beauty during a tourist visit to Rotorua and convinced Rona to try her hand at beauty pageantry; Rona thought on it, and communed with her Aumakua, Kowhai, who approved for the sake of spreading proper Maori culture around the world to both keep it alive and help diaspora migrants remember the Tapu)
Transition: Shift in Purpose (the elders disapproved at first, but she half-rebelled and pulled rank to assert her right; combined with the gods' approval, the elders had to relent, but insisted she at least take a bodyguard and porters befitting a princess; she won the national pageant in Auckland; thus began an international tour, and she saw an opportunity to make it a royal tour of the Menehune and other Great Families)


Magnitude: Rona can remember past lives up to 100 years ago.
Details: She remembers living in the aftermath of the New Zealand Wars, trying to rally her people's morale. She also helped lead the Parihaka Village passive resistance in that life.


Uhi of the Rangi
Appearance: A traditional flesh-grooving chisel to create ta moko tattoos, made from albatross bone and carved with ancient symbols of holy power of Rangi himself
Origin: Inherent
Effects: 1) Create chimerical, temporary ta moko; when applied to the face, grants an Appearance bonus
Activation: The painful and delicate art of ta moko is Tapu; she does it in seclusion under proper conditions only


Names: Amiri Arono (porter), Pita Kingi (driver)
Roles: House Servants

Significant Other

Name: Natana Herangi, 2012
Nature: Companionship


Bunk Styles

Style: Blessings & Taboos
Examples: Wear a formal headdress, don a cowry necklace, purifying bath, apply ta moko


Tapu are spiritual and social taboos in Maori and Menehune society. Marking the common ground between Oceania peoples, they are very similar to kapu in Hawai'i, though customs do vary. It's important to note that, as Ali'i, many tapu refer to her kind of person (high-ranking individual). On the other hand, she has received a limited exemption from some tapu for the pragmatic reasons of her global travels. These noa blessings must be approved by Kahuna and the Aumakua (and in her case, they were). Furthermore, Natana was charged with helping her look after herself, intervening where he may to keep her personal tapu intact. Here are a few basic tapu that Rona will continue to observe while abroad, some of which may very well be quite applicable where she has currently landed (Hawai'i):

  • While completing a new ta moko on herself (with her chimerical treasure), she may not touch her face, look at herself in a reflection, or feed herself (others must feed her). For the basic ta moko she usually carves, it takes 2-3 days to finish.
  • She (as well as any in her household) will not eat inside. The inside of one's domicile (even a temporary one, like a hotel) is sacred.
  • NO ONE may touch her without her permission, which she is unlikely to give. This has received a noa exemption in the form of permitting bodily inspections by outside legal authorities, so long as Natana may observe to ensure she is no more touched than necessary. To help maintain this tapu, Natana and the village porters keep a perimeter around her in crowded public places at all times.
  • Similarly, no one may enter her domicile (even a temporary one). The household guards the door or doors in rounds.
  • The secret techniques of ta moko may never be passed onto pakeha (foreigners, especially whites).
  • Maori funeral rites are affairs with a number of important protocols she must not only observe but partially lead alongside the priests, even if it is not her village and the honored dead is a stranger.
  • Whales are totem beasts of Tangaroa and must always be left to the great sea gods to claim. Any whale strandings or beached carcasses must not be interfered with.

    As usual, the penalties for violating tapu involves Banality gains and Glamour losses. A violation steep enough can even cut her off from one or all of her Birthrights. (She would also lose her Totem's blessings until and if she could atone.) This means someone who manages to get past Natana and so much as touches her will inflict Banality upon her (but Natana would then deck the poor bastard).

    Sacred Princess

    Rona is more than a beautiful face but an important heir to political and cultural power among the Menehune and Maori. In truth, she has no considerable flaws besides the recklessness of youth that has led her on this perhaps unnecessary odyssey.

    Likelihood of Corruption

    Very low.

    She obeys the high moral order of Tapu, and she has the brave Natana watching out for the rest.


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