Changeling: The Dreaming (Gallain: Merfolk/Melusine, Syrinx, Undine)

Game: This field refers to which organized online roleplaying game group the character belongs.
Elemental Souls: The link at the bottom refers to the nature of Elemental Souls as far as hsien magics are concerned. Note that only characters belonging to the CoLA (Coalition of Little Asia) game, along with related Fringe Troupe characters, will be described in this fashion.
Alignment: This is seen here for the simple fun of it. Consider it a big ol' "hell yeah" to the roleplaying game that spawned me, heh. It has no effect on my White Wolf characters' game systems or roleplay.
Birthday: The approximate date that the character was first played.
Status: On each character's statistics page, there is a field listed as "status". This means that the character is a PC, Semi-NPC, or NPC. A PC acquires XP and is played with the full intent to develop him or her as much as possible. A Semi-NPC still acquires XP but statistical development becomes much less of a concern compared to greater character development; Semi-NPCs will therefore not be employed in as many Storylines. NPCs no longer acquire XP and their stats are all but frozen; they do not participate in Storylines at all except as required by the Storyteller.
Power Level: I classify my characters with ten "power levels". Refer to this link (Power Levels) for definitions of each rating. A "?" means the character isn't completed yet.

Game Interest: Changeling is my third favorite game. I enjoy the world of the fae and the themes of the Dreaming versus Banality greatly. I tend to prefer the dark fantasy that is prevalent in Changeling and Mage over horror.
Game rating: 6 (1 least favorite, 10 most favorite)


Bijou Illick ni Melusine
Kosimi of the Golden Scepter
This fish out of the sea is a runaway princess of the Ur'vit'arbine and yearns for new friends and a new life.
Game: LPS
Alignment: Chaotic Good
Power Level: ?
Birthday: ?/23

Bryath Tarsician ap Melusine
Angou of the Frigid Ridge
One of a triumvirate of Murdhuacha elder evil, this sea cucumber patiently baits his prey.
Game: SF-SoD
Alignment: Neutral Evil
Power Level: ?
Birthday: ?/23

Dahlia Hood ni Melusine
Definia of the Leaping Breaks
One of Ciarda's many mermaid sisters, she came to investigate her sister's disappearance and found herself caught in the Blackcap's wide net.
Game: BSB
Alignment: Neutral Good
Power Level: ***
Birthday: 8/22

Domoto Nagume no Suvanna
Zhanshuyi of the Stilled Teeth

She and her Domoto sisters advise the Aokoya colony on strategy in defense of Kure.

Game: LPS
Alignment: True Neutral
Power Level: ?
Birthday: ?/23

Domoto Romi no Suvanna
Zhanshura of the Stilled Teeth

She and her Domoto sisters advise the Aokoya colony on strategy in defense of Kure.

Game: LPS
Alignment: True Neutral
Power Level: ?
Birthday: ?/23

Domoto Sana no Suvanna
Zhanshusan of the Stilled Teeth

She and her Domoto sisters advise the Aokoya colony on strategy in defense of Kure.

Game: LPS
Alignment: True Neutral
Power Level: ?
Birthday: ?/23

Domoto Tsuji no Suvanna
Zhanshusi of the Stilled Teeth

She and her Domoto sisters advise the Aokoya colony on strategy in defense of Kure.

Game: LPS
Alignment: True Neutral
Power Level: ?
Birthday: ?/23

Domoto Yasu no Suvanna
Zhanshuwu of the Stilled Teeth

She and her Domoto sisters advise the Aokoya colony on strategy in defense of Kure.

Game: LPS
Alignment: True Neutral
Power Level: ?
Birthday: ?/23

Kai Driver ni Melusine
Chelona of the Terrene Touring
She proudly circuits the world's seas, coming up for air to report what she's seen and learned.
Game: JPR
Alignment: Neutral Good
Power Level: ?
Birthday: ?/23

Li Fung Sim ni Suvanna
Kelifa of the White Sands
She writhes and revels in the beach life, this adaptable Merfolk beauty.
Game: JPR
Alignment: Neutral Good
Power Level: ?
Birthday: ?/23

Luke Irons ap Melusine
Rolo-Sid of the Higher Tide
Watching the sea, this Melusine does his best to keep the beaches safe for everyone.
Game: LPS
Alignment: Chaotic Good
Power Level: ?
Birthday: ?/23

Nero ap Melusine
Skotar of the Primordial Tomb
Though this old naug is acquainted with humanity's progress, he nevertheless keeps a watchful eye on maritime traffic, punishing whalers whenever their wakes cross.
Game: BWM
Alignment: Lawful Neutral
Power Level: ?
Birthday: ?/23

Rhanni Fisher ni Melusine
Ktino of the Shining Edge
As a royal advisor, this Melusine Naug stays close to her young charge.
Game: FLD
Alignment: Neutral Good
Power Level: ?
Birthday: ?/23

Thessa Theoni ni Melusine
Thisa of the Sunken Locker
This mermaid loves to wreck-dive and uncover fascinating treasures of C'et made by humans above.
Game: LPS
Alignment: Chaotic Neutral
Power Level: *****
Birthday: 2/22

Yip Hiu Sze ni Suvanna
Skafa of the Pearlheart Reef
Up and down the Pearl Delta does this Mermaid travel, guarding the actual pearls from exploitation.
Game: JPR
Alignment: Chaotic Good
Power Level: ?
Birthday: ?/23


Aila ni Syrinx
Kortisa of the Shaded Lagoon
Carefree and curious, the mermaid explores the Pacific, daring the dangers of the coastlines of islands and nations.
Game: JPR
Alignment: Neutral Good
Power Level: ?
Birthday: ?/23

Aisling Baldwin ni Syrinx
Karavia of the Warming Currents
Abreast of her own beauty, she revels in the posing for life model artists and sculptors.
Game: BWM
Alignment: Chaotic Good
Power Level: ?
Birthday: ?/23

Alanna Hood ni Syrinx
Elpina of the Stormdriven Shelter
One of Ciarda's many mermaid sisters, she came to investigate her sister's disappearance and found herself caught in the Blackcap's wide net.
Game: BSB
Alignment: Neutral Good
Power Level: ***
Birthday: 8/22

Alina Campbell ni Syrinx
Prina of the Rainbow Grass
This brave if naive mermaid princess is eager to explore the oceans beyond her royal home.
Game: FLD
Alignment: Chaotic Good
Power Level: ?
Birthday: ?/23

Amisaki Chiharu no Eienyu
Nanjueyi of the Aurelian Barrier

She and her Amisaki sisters lead the Aokoya colony in defense of Kure.

Game: LPS
Alignment: Neutral Good
Power Level: ?
Birthday: ?/23

Amisaki Emiya no Eienyu
Nanjuera of the Aurelian Barrier

She and her Amisaki sisters lead the Aokoya colony in defense of Kure.

Game: LPS
Alignment: Neutral Good
Power Level: ?
Birthday: ?/23

Amisaki Hatsumi no Eienyu
Nanjuesan of the Aurelian Barrier

She and her Amisaki sisters lead the Aokoya colony in defense of Kure.

Game: LPS
Alignment: Neutral Good
Power Level: ?
Birthday: ?/23

Amisaki Kokumi no Eienyu
Nanjuesi of the Aurelian Barrier

She and her Amisaki sisters lead the Aokoya colony in defense of Kure.

Game: LPS
Alignment: Neutral Good
Power Level: ?
Birthday: ?/23

Amisaki Mochino no Eienyu
Nanjuewu of the Aurelian Barrier

She and her Amisaki sisters lead the Aokoya colony in defense of Kure.

Game: LPS
Alignment: Neutral Good
Power Level: ?
Birthday: ?/23

Christian Nicasius ap Syrinx
Plokam of the Fathomless Black
One of a triumvirate of Murdhuacha elder evil, this giant squid stretches out its arms to capture and control his prey.
Game: SF-SoD
Alignment: Lawful Evil
Power Level: ?
Birthday: ?/23

Ciarda Hood ni Syrinx
Glynna of the Bright Understar
This young mermaid princess approached the Kithain in desperation for an alliance and found only the cruelty of an Unseelie brute.
Game: BSB
Alignment: Neutral Good
Power Level: ****
Birthday: 5/20

Cleo Stowe ni Syrinx
Tsarina of the Silver Net
This Syrinx enjoys collecting food for her people – who says merfolk can’t be piscators, too?
Game: CoI
Alignment: True Neutral
Power Level: ?
Birthday: ?/23

Emma Hood ni Syrinx
Rozinna of Tymphanic Joy
One of Ciarda's many mermaid sisters, she came to investigate her sister's disappearance and found herself caught in the Blackcap's wide net.
Game: BSB
Alignment: Neutral Good
Power Level: **
Birthday: 8/22

Julia Dust ni Syrinx
Paraxa-Tha, Sea Witch of the South Seas
Though some know her mortal name, she is colloquially and infamously called the Sea Witch of the South Seas.
Game: BSB
Alignment: Chaotic Evil
Power Level: ?
Birthday: ?/23

Lola Hood ni Syrinx
Iridae of the Laughing Waves
One of Ciarda's many mermaid sisters, she came to investigate her sister's disappearance and found herself caught in the Blackcap's wide net.
Game: BSB
Alignment: Neutral Good
Power Level: **
Birthday: 8/22

Phelan Guillory ap Syrinx
Arkos-Rai of the Dancing Gyres
This merman princeling strays near the shore to sow his royal oats.
Game: KHW
Alignment: Chaotic Neutral
Power Level: ?
Birthday: ?/23

Saoirse Hood ni Syrinx
Leiosa of Thunderstruck Waves
One of Ciarda's many mermaid sisters, she came to investigate her sister's disappearance and found herself caught in the Blackcap's wide net.
Game: BSB
Alignment: Neutral Good
Power Level: ***
Birthday: 8/22

Silver Lyons ni Syrinx
Argyra of the Auroral Schools
While many humans vacation on the beach, sometimes "the beach" holidays among humans.
Game: BWM
Alignment: Chaotic Neutral
Power Level: ?
Birthday: ?/23

Tori Cummins ni Syrinx
Vestia of the Ariose Ebb
A mermaid princess in the Shanghaied Ensemble of Royalty, Tori sings and cherishes all the world.
Game: FLD
Alignment: Chaotic Good
Power Level: *****
Birthday: 3/21

Xu Suet Wai ni Eienyu
Parala of the Black Sands
In a resort town on the sea, this Syrinx babe knows how to live it up.
Game: JPR
Alignment: Chaotic Good
Power Level: ?
Birthday: ?/23


Ip Hoi Ki ni Lingyu
Vouno of the Meridian Ponds
From the mountain ponds, this minnow Mermaid joins her kin in the watch over the delta and rivers.
Game: JPR
Alignment: Neutral Good
Power Level: ?
Birthday: ?/23

Jin Yin Kwan ni Lingyu
Kypri of the Silvering Thread
Both proud and beautiful, this Mermaid keeps tabs on her freshwater and brackish environment in this densely populated area.
Game: JPR
Alignment: Neutral Good
Power Level: ?
Birthday: ?/23

Liv Margit ni Undine
Doria of the Sun-Kissed Shoals
Lazing about Lake Pontchartrain, this Undine mermaid enjoys the beauty and bounty of fey life.
Game: BSB
Alignment: Chaotic Neutral
Power Level: ?
Birthday: ?/23

Miley Blaire ni Undine
Illia of the Flooded Strand
This freshwater mermaid hopes to expand brackish waters deeper inland, to one day cover the whole world in the sea.
Game: BSB
Alignment: Chaotic Neutral
Power Level: ?
Birthday: ?/23

Riley Carroll ni Undine
Azmina of the Effervescent Paean
A talented songstress reluctantly sings for the Shanghaied Ensemble of Royalty.
Game: FLD
Alignment: Chaotic Good
Power Level: ***
Birthday: 3/21

Changeling Profiles: Page III (More Gallain: Nunnehi)

Elemental Souls